with his friend Robert Zemeckis, he immediately recalled his mother's story that she never kissed boys in high school (although, as it later turned out, this was far from true).
When Bob Gale shared this story
with Bob Gale when, after the premiere of the movie Used Cars, he came to St. Louis to visit his parents.
The idea for the script originated
There, while sorting through old things in the basement, Bob came across a photo album of his father that he had never seen before.
fond of talking about his youth, and it was a great surprise to me when I came across his old photo album one day and learned that he had been president of the graduating class. I didn't know that before. I remembered the president of my class, whom I had hardly ever talked to, and I thought:
My father was not particularly
If I was in the same class as my father — would we be friends?
That's when I came up with this story about a schoolboy who goes back in time and meets his parents.