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film was born, how difficulties were overcome on the way to its realization, and what secrets are kept behind the curtains.
The story of how the idea of the
streams of time
just a movie, it's a whole story worth getting to know.
“Back to the Future” is not
The most fantastic events in Marty McFly's protagonist's life begin to unfold
Marty goes back in time and meets his parents
Marty goes into the future and doesn't let his kids get into trouble
Marty finds himself in the Wild West to venuate back his friend Doc
with his friend Robert Zemeckis, he immediately recalled his mother's story that she never kissed boys in high school (although, as it later turned out, this was far from true).
When Bob Gale shared this story
with Bob Gale when, after the premiere of the movie Used Cars, he  came to St. Louis to visit his parents.
The idea for the script originated
There, while sorting through old things in the basement, Bob came across a photo album of his father that he had never seen before.
fond of talking about his youth, and it was a great surprise to me when I came across his old photo album one day and learned that he had been president of the graduating class. I didn't know that before. I remembered the president of my class, whom I had hardly ever talked to, and I thought:
My father was not particularly
If I was in the same class as my father — would we be friends?
That's when I came up with this story about a schoolboy who goes back in time and meets his parents.
and it all started
Disney also rejected the script, deeming it too adult and provocative for its audience.
The boys submitted the script to Columbia
Pictures, but the studio rejected the idea. Gale and Zemeckis offered their script to about 40 studios, but all of them rejected it because they considered it too “childish”.
At the time, most movie companies preferred more serious and hard-hitting movies, considering them more profitable.
The two stories form the basis of a plot about a modern-day 17-year-old who is transported back in time and confronts his parents
and was ready to help in the realization. But for some reason the script was postponed for a while.
Steven Spielberg liked the idea of the movie
It was returned to in 1984 after the success of Robert Zemeckis's “Romancing the Stone”, which was released on the big screens. It was Zemeckis's first movie to make a big score.
Work on the script for Back to the Future has boiled over.
First page of the first version of the Back to the Future script, February 24, 1981
Marty McFly was a pirate — he made money by selling illegal copies of videotapes.
Doc Brown's pet was not a dog named Einstein, but a chimpanzee named Einstein.
There were no Libyan terrorists, but instead intelligence agents.
industry, the problem was money  filming such a scene would have significantly increased the budget of the movie to over $1 million. Also, another factor was the fear that after watching the movie, particularly impressionable children might try to climb into refrigerators in search of a time machine and find themselves in a difficult position.
of energy to start the machine. However, as is often the case in the film
The idea was that Marty had to get in during the nuclear explosion to get the necessary
More specifically, the refrigerator was only part of the unit.
But the main flaw in the
script was the choice of the time machine it was originally not a car, but a domestic fridge
The script has been rewritten several times
In the fourth version, the script adopted all of the major plot lines found in the movie. The most significant difference is the time of the action, when Marty is in the past (March, not November 1955) and Doc has not yet invented the basics of the time machine, the “flux capacitor”.
the third version was completed, in which Marty was no longer a video pirate and Professor Brown was now called Emmett Brown. The town where the events take place was named Elmdale. The time machine was a DeLorean DMC-12.
Three years later, on July 11, 1984,
for that time that it was almost unnecessary to give it additional “futuristic” for the movie. Except that they attached a “nuclear reactor”, or rather a body element
The design of the car was so unusual
from a Dodge Polaris, and hung it with airplane parts found at the dump. The filmmakers needed three copies of DeLorean, each of which worked 100% on the shooting.
had their toy counterparts. The filmmaking team created several scaled-down DeLorean models that were subsequently suspended in the air on special brackets. These models flew on a blue screen background, which was then overlaid with the desired video clips.
The same technique was used in the filming of the second and third parts of the trilogy, where all the flying cars and trains were also duplicated in toy format, which facilitated the work of the film crew.
The “adult” cars in the movie also
a real-life sports car produced from 1981 to 1983.
DeLorean DMC–12 —
WHY delorean?
shooting process
The story of the creation of the legendary
DeLorean DMC–12
Sid Sheinberg, who suggested changing the title of the movie from Back to the Future to Alien from Pluto. He felt that the title was too “off-putting”.
Executive producer Steven Spielberg came to the rescue — he sent back:
There was also a letter from Universal CEO
To preserve his reputation, Scheinberg did not insist on changing the title of the movie.
Thanks, Sid, for a good joke — we laughed a lot.
After negotiations with the TV crew failed, Eric Stoltz was confirmed for Marty's role.
When filming did begin, Zemeckis realized pretty quickly that hiring Stoltz was a big mistake. Half the footage
The first contender for the role of Marty McFly
had already been filmed when it was decided to replace the main character. Spielberg personally contacted the producer of Family Ties and persuaded him to let Fox go.
two shifts — all day he was busy filming the series, and all evening and part of the night on the set of the movie “Back to the Future”. He slept two or three hours a day.
For this actor had to work in
a light sci-fi family comedy simply exploded hire, instantly turning the actor into a star of international stardom.
Such sacrifices were not in vain —
was 23-year-old Canadian actor Michael J. Fox, who was a perfect match in terms of personality and looks. Michael dreamed of getting this role, but Fox at that moment was starring in the popular series “Family Ties”, whose producers could not let go one of their main stars for a few months.
main character
and television, but I didn't realize that I would have to be both at the same time. What was happening seemed to me like a strange road trip that I had embarked on.
It was my dream to get into movies
Michael J. Fox
Other characters
'DOC' Emmet L. Brown
He is a resident of Hill Valley, California. Doc invented a time machine and is a friend of Marty's.
Loraine Baines McFly
Marty's mother, George's wife. In an alternate reality, meets her son instead of her future husband and falls in love with him. In another 1985 version, she is Biff's wife.
George McFly
Marty's father. Lorraine's husband. In one reality, a loser and a slob. After his son changes the future, becomes a successful businessman and writer.
Biff Tannen
A bully with a bad temper, terrorizing McFly. In the alternate reality of 1985 from the second movie, he becomes a rich man; in the same year in another reality, he works for the McFly family.
Jennifer Parker
Marty's girlfriend. A well-mannered, intelligent girl. She's kind and tactful.
Doc Brown's dog in 1985. The first time traveler. Named in honor of scientist Albert Einstein.
behind the scenes
theaters across North America, beginning July 3, 1985 and for the next 11 weeks it was the all-time box office leader in the United States.
and became a real test of strength for everyone. After successful test screenings, the premiere of the film was moved a month ahead and scheduled for July 3. To meet the deadline, editors and voiceover specialists worked around the clock.
Filming lasted exactly 100 days
When the film was released in 1,200
2.5 months — a ridiculous amount of time for a modern movie
“Back to the Future” made in movie theaters a real sensation, collecting only in America 210 million dollars, and world box office brought as much as 380 million dollars with a budget of 14 million. The film won an Oscar in the category of best sound editing.
The entire post-production took
The movie became the highest-grossing movie of 1985
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The site was created as part of the Perspective course at Citadel School. The site is not commercial, all materials belong to their copyright holders.
Huey Lewis & The News — The Power Of Love
Huey Lewis & The News — Back In Time
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